Simple Ways How To Get Rid Of Possums In Your Yard: Protect Your House!

Possums, also known as opossums, can sometimes be a nuisance if they invade your yard or get into your garbage. Here are a few steps you can take to try and prevent possums from coming onto your property:

  1. Remove any sources of food: Possums are attracted to easily accessible food sources, such as garbage cans, compost bins, and pet food. Make sure to secure your garbage cans and keep your compost bin covered. If you feed your pets outside, bring their food bowls in at night to prevent possums from raiding them.
  2. Trim trees and shrubs: Possums are good climbers, so trimming trees and shrubs can make it more difficult for them to get onto your property.
  3. Repair any holes in your home’s exterior: Possums can squeeze through small holes and gaps in your home’s exterior, so it’s important to repair any holes or gaps you find.
  4. Use a motion-activated sprinkler: A motion-activated sprinkler can be an effective deterrent for possums. When the possum is detected, the sprinkler will turn on and startle the animal, causing it to run away.
  5. Use a humane possum trap: If you do find a possum on your property and want to remove it, you can use a humane possum trap. These traps allow you to capture the possum and release it back into the wild, away from your home.

It’s important to remember that possums are a natural part of the ecosystem and can be beneficial to have around. However, if they are causing problems on your property, the above steps can help you prevent and deter them.



Genuine Suggestion By Anthony Moriyam

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